Select PDF Files
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Select Content File (Image)
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A powerful tool to add content to multiple PDF files. Support adding content to header, footer, or specific pages.
Add content to multiple PDF files at once efficiently.
Your files are processed locally and never stored on our servers.
Process as many files as you want, completely free of charge.
Add content to header, footer, or specific pages of your PDFs.
Support various content types including images and watermarks.
Process unlimited files without restrictions.
Common questions about adding content to PDFs.
You can add images (like signatures, watermarks, logos) to your PDF files.
You can add content to the header, footer, or any specific page of your PDF files.
Yes, you can select multiple PDF files and process them all at once.
We do not have a file size limit, you can process PDFs of any size.
After processing is complete, your modified PDFs will be downloaded automatically.
No, we create new PDF files with your added content, leaving your original files unchanged.
When you need to add the same content to multiple PDFs, such as adding a signature to each document.